Yamaha 6 Hp Outboard Owners Manual
Functions and features of the Enduro outboards designed to power commercial fishery and transport boats
Specialized Durability and Reliability
Series four-stroke Yamaha outboard ranges in horsepower: 6HP, 4HP, and 2.5HP. Recommended Engine Oil, Yamalube® 4M (See owner's manual).
This is the two stroke outboard motor series developed mainly for commercial use such as on fishing and passenger vessels. This series suits harsh conditions that include everyday use and situations involving long hours of continuous operation.
Enhanced strength and durability in locations such as roller bearings, crankshaft and cylinder block, as well as an improved water pump that ensures plenty of cooling effect, combine to deliver substantial improvements in durability and reliability. Models fueled by kerosene are also available in addition to gasoline engines.

The lineups of outboard models offered differ by country or area. Product names, coloring and graphics may also differ. The specifications of outboards shown on this website may be changed or production discontinued without notice.
Always read your owner's manual before using the outboard and be sure to use it properly.
Direct inquiries concerning Yamaha outboards to your country's distributor or local dealership.
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