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First, I can use the OpenCV API findChessboardCorners and cornerSubPix to find the corners on an checkerboard pattern, like this:. But i want to improve the accuracy of corners location and I learn that the SIFT has the highest precision. So, I want to try the SIFT by the code like this. Chessboard pdf open cv sift. CVChess:ComputerVisionChessAnalytics’ ’ Jay!Hack!and!Prithvi!Ramakrishnan! ’ ’ ’ Abstract’ ’ We#present#a#computer#vision#application#and# aset#of#associatedalgorithms#capable#of#recording# chess# game moves# fully autonomously from# the vantagepoint#of#a#consumer#laptop#webcam.#This# consists# of# two# main# algorithms,# (1)# a#. A review of existing work on visual recognition of a chess-board and pieces provided more information on recognizing the board rather than the pieces. In addition to chessboard detection in the context of playing chess, there is work on using chessboard patterns to perform automatic camera calibration 1. ChessVision: Chess Board and Piece Recognition Jialin Ding Stanford University Abstract This paper details a method to take an image of a chess board and output a reconstructed computer representation of the board through board and piece recognition. Though techniques for board recognition have been thoroughly ex. So, in 2004, D.Lowe, University of British Columbia, came up with a new algorithm, Scale Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT) in his paper, Distinctive Image Features from Scale-Invariant Keypoints, which extract keypoints and compute its descriptors.(This paper is easy to understand and considered to be best material available on SIFT. So this explanation is just a short summary of this paper).

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