Linksys Wap4400n Firmware Update

Cisco Wireless:: WAP4400N Firmware Upgrade? After much investigation I finally found what I thought was the firmware upgrade for my WAP4400N access point, I downloaded the file which is a.img file which seems a bit off I think. Anyway when I go to the admin page it decides its an unknown file format.

Home » Broadband Hardware » List » Linksys » WAP4400N Details
details: Wireless-N Access Point with Power Over Ethernet
hardware type: Wireless Access Point
date added: 2007-10-25
updated: 2015-01-27
The Access Point uses the very latest wireless networking technology, Wireless-N (draft 802.11n). By overlaying the signals of multiple radios, Wireless-N's 'Multiple In, Multiple Out' (MIMO) technology multiplies the effective data rate. Unlike ordinary wireless networking technologies that are confused by signal reflections, MIMO actually uses these reflections to increase the range and reduce dead spots in the wireless coverage area.
WAP4400N Features
Street price: $184
LAN / WAN Connectivity
LAN ports: 1
USB port(s): 0
WiFi standards supported: 802.11b (11 Mbps)
802.11g (54 Mbps)
802.11n (draft)
WiFi modes:Access point
external antenna(s): 3
Default SSID: linksys-n
Device Management
Default admin username: admin
Administration:Web-based (LAN)
Configuration backup/restore:
Event log:
Misc hardware info
Power over Ethernet (PoE):

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rate: avg:
1. The CD doesnt work
2. The Web Interface allows you to go in once, then you cant find the
3. If you got a DHCP for an ISP then you cant renter the
Have had varying success in reaching the web interface. Have tried everything under the sun (including manually selecting the wireless channel, moving it to a different location - in another town!) to get a wireless signal out of this thing, but have only managed to get a signal on one occasion! Awful piece of kit!
My out-of-the-box WAP 4400n has been extremely difficut to configure andfinally stopped functioning after 2 hours.
The web administration is not working correctly and keeps disconnecting all the time.
I have seen no clear way to quickly make it a repeater for the main wifi router.
It is not possibleto administre the item with a wireless connected device (e.g.: computer or iPhone).
Really poor..
The web interface working well when accessed from wired LAN. Performance good. But to extend its wireless signal range is there any possibility to connect external powerful antenna to this product.
Managed to access admin and set the point up. Then lost wireless signal regardless of which channel or standard was being used. Still can't see it wirelessly on anything I use. Upon reset can't even find it on the network at all, it has lost it's original address and the one I had set. I'm send ing it back, and I won't be asking for a replacement!
Setup out of the box was a breeze. Connected the Linksys to an existing router. Used Cross over cable to connect my laptop to the 4400N and set the basic settings matching my network. Had to change the laptop to the default to connect to the 4400N.
rebooted, put it on my router. connected right up using the shared key.
Impossible to acces to have acces to the 4400 configuration menu
Initially, I had the same problem most people here mention, until I did a firmware update. After that, everything is running perfectly, and the signal is very strong in a wide area.
Hi, can you tell me where to get the firmware update from?
When I access the router with Chrome I get a message 'Google Chrome - ERR_SSL_VERSION_OR_CIPHER_MISMATCH'
On investigating this, I see that Chrome now considers SSL v3.0 to be not safe.
To access the WAP menu, I had to got to 'chrome://flags', and change the 'Minimum SSL/TLS supported' from 'Default' to 'SSL V3'.
Then accessing gave me an 'Advanced' option in which I was able to 'proceed'.
However, I would like to upgrade my WAP to the latest firmware, but cannot find where to get it.
Please let me know. Thanks.

If you own a Linksys Wireless router, it is strongly recommended that you upgrade the firmware to a latest version, which may resolve lot of bugs including random dropping of wireless connections. This article explains how to upgrade to the latest firmware on your Linksys wireless router.Also, make sure you’ve secured your wireless as mentioned in1. Get your Wireless Router Model Number and Version NumberOn the back of your wireless router, you’ll see both model number and version number for your specific linksys wireless router. The example below shows the model and version of a WRT54G wireless router.Fig: Version Number of Linksys-Cisco WRT54GL Wireless-G Broadband Router (Compatible with Linux) 2.

Download Latest Linksys Wireless Router FirmwareGo to - Support - Enter your wireless router model number (for example, WRT54GS) - Click on ‘Get Downloads’ - Select Version number for your wireless router - Click on the download link under firmware section, which typically shows the following information. Release Date: For example,. Firmware Version Number: For example, Ver.1.52.6. Download Size and Link. For example, 1.66 MB. Release Notes for the new firmwareDirect Download link for:. WRT54GS firmware.

WRT54G firmware. WRT54G2 firmware. WRT54GL firmware. WRT160N firmware. WRT110 firmware. WRT600N firmware3.

Take a Backup of Linksys Wireless ConfigurationBefore the upgrade, take a backup of the current Linksys Wireless Configuration. From the web interface, go to Administration - Config Management - Backup - Config.bin, Save this file to some location on your local machine. Upgrade the Linksys Wireless FirmwareFrom the web interface, go to Administration - Firmware Upgrade - Choose the latest file that you downloaded above - Click on Upgrade.Once the upgrade started, do not click on any other link on the web interface.

Just wait until the upgrade is completed.Once you’ve completed the upgrade, verify your new firmware version to make sure the upgrade was successfully completed. In my case, following is the firmware version. I attempted to upgrade the firmware for my WRT54GP2 by following the instructions. However, browsed to the download location of the bin file, then began the upgrade, the router username/password verification box kept continually popping up.

The upgrade progress bar continued to move and got to a point where it says to please wait for upgrade (or something to that effect), then a big red 404 unauthorized user page pops up, which says I have entered the wrong username/password or IE does not know how to obtain information from this request.I tried this two different times and was never able to update my firmware. Could I perhaps try this using another browser?Thanks. Purchased Cisco E-3000 Dual-Band, Wireless Router$200.00! Purchased because I have several Wireless Devices & wished to avoid Frequency Issues, Interferences.Set-up was a breeze ran super-fast!!! Then, about a half-hour laterBig Trouble!!!The unit began to smell, a burnt smell! Why, Ive no idea. Power is 110vNo power problems &, I’m protected with a APC unit!

Have several adaptors plugged-in to the unit without any problems.Returned the E-3000 to Ciscoreceived a replacementWham! Same thing happened again???Returned the 2nd unitrequested a Different Routerone that has been in the field & well tested! Cisco saidSorry! So, awaiting another E-3000!!!I’ll not install the New E-3000 untill I am confident that it won’t burn-up once again!Please advise if anyone out there has had similar issues with the E-3000!Thanks,William.

I just upgraded the firmware for my linksys wrt54g. I went to the linksys website and all necessary information and the download file are provided. A detailed set of instructions are available, and I advise that they be followed carefully. I printed out a copy to make the process easier.I created a folder in “My Documents” and named it Linksys. I saved the downloads in the folder to simplify upgrade process. The process worked without difficulty. Linksys has provided a very user friendly and detailed set of instructions.

Just did the upgrade for my WRT54G v8 router. I thought it all went well, butAfter the install I reset the router (which is what the linksys instructions told me to do).

Now I believe the name of my network has changed to “Linksys”. I say “believe” because I can’t find my old wireless network name any more and I’ve never had access to a “Linksys” network. Also when I try to log into to the Linksys website it doesn’t recognize my wireless name and password anymore!!! Does this mean I have to call Linksys to get a log in password again? @CharlesWRT54G v5 (known latest) firmware:There are other locations.

I even saved a copy just in case.—Yep, the ones at Linksys have started purging the firmware for older routers from their site in 2011. They continue to do this for more recent routers that go EOL. Basically, (about) anything that is before the E series for routers (as of this posting).

Some of the following routers:BEFSR11, BEFSR41, BEFSRU311, other BEF series (all versions) no surprise; very old and vulnerable router anyway. I own v1 and v2 hardware versions of this router and have found almost all firmware for it (2012)WRT54G (v5 – v8.2) (2012) Yes, there’s an exception!

V1 to v4 are still on their site! I’m using a WRT54G V.6 Router and I cannot find out where to get the most recent firmware for it. I’ve also been experiencing a problem over the last year or so. Sometimes, the internet completely drops at certain times in the day.well last year.around 3-6am.afterwards, it wouldn’t disconnect during the day. Then, recently, the last week or so, it just keeps disconnecting 5-10 times a day or so.usually every hour or two.the only way to restore internet connectivity is to unplug/replug in the router wire. Is the router going bad, or does it just need new firmware? I am using the net without the router for the last hour to test it.obviously it hasn’t been long enough to tell anything yet.but assuming I don’t lose connectivity, should I bother updating the firmware, or should I just replace the router with a new one?

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It’s getting extremely irritating.