Youtube Unblocked Google Sites

Unblock Youtube in China. Youtube is completely blocked in China. The best way to unblock YouTube in China is again with a VPN tunnel. VPNs are inexpensive, effective and can unblock more sites than just YouTube. Unfortunately, as time marches forward, the Chinese government is tightening its grip upon the use of VPN technologies.

MS is actively blocking access to Google sites like they have done before prior to the Anniversary Update. Now in Build 14986 you once again cannot access blogspot, gmail, youtube, or many other google properties in MS Edge or IE.Adding these sites to Compatibility Mode or to Trusted Sites does not allow you to access them.MS has a hidden blacklist and until they change it to allow access to google sites you will have to use Chrome or any non-Microsoft browser for a normal browser experience.Optionally you can install and run Fiddler to access these sites with Edge but I do not recommend this. Just use anyone else's browser.The last time MS was blocking these sites it took them six weeks to acknowledge there was a problem and fix it. It is like MS is actively trying to force people to stop using their browsers. Hi,We suggest that you reset Microsoft Edge and check the result, here's how:. Open Microsoft Edge.

How to unblock youtube with google translate

X mirage alternative. Click on the More actions (Three dots) on Right top corner. Click on Settings. Then click Choose what to clear. Then place a check on the options for Browsing history and then click Clear.Note: The Reset Microsoft Edge Settings feature might reset security settings or privacy settings that you added to the list of Trusted Sites. The Reset Microsoft Edge Settings feature might also reset parentalcontrol settings.

We recommend that you take note of these sites before you reset.To fix the issue with Internet Explorer, perform the steps on this.Regards. This is a nonsense suggestion. It allows access to YouTube for about 10 seconds before the active blocking of google sites kicks back in and blocks access.

This is a hidden browser setting that blocks all google sites. Back before the Anniversary updateand the google sites had been blocked in Edge for over six weeks some one from MS had a solution to turn off some advanced rendering feature by hacking the registry. And that cleared it up. But I do not remember what the flag was that made Edge allow googlesites to load.It doesn't help to add them to Compatible Mode, it doesn't help to add them to trusted sites, it does not help to clear history or cache. This is a deliberate effort by Microsoft to enhance rendering that also blocks most google web sites.

They did thisbefore for months and I expect it will be months again before they figure out that their code is responsible and is actively blocking google sites. I've had this as well, but in an interesting twist I can't even reliably get to to get my e-mail. It seems to reload the page after 2 or 3 messages are examined. I've read about a possible DNS issue causing this problem that makes sense.I don't think it's an intentional 'blocking' of any sites since, as seen above, I have problems reaching Microsoft sites.I loaded Chrome today to get reliable service until Microsoft cleans up this problem but will most likely switch back to Edge at that time, as I prefer using utilities written by the OS Company since they should know their products best. They do not even acknowledge the issue.

The only thing I get is 'Clear your cache'. That doesn't help. It also does not help to add these sites to Compatible Mode or Trusted Sites. Makes no difference. Although no one from MS has even suggestedthese things yet.

But it is inevitable.They blocked access the same way in a build before the Anniversary Update. Chrome can load all these sites but MS browsers will not load them. You can run Fiddler in the background and these sites work fine but why bother when you can just run any 3rd partybrowser instead?MS will probably ignore the problem until February. It took over six weeks for the to fix it the last time they blocked these sites.