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Existing versions of FUSE will work on MacOS X 10.5 to macOS 10.14. As a matter of fact, none of the versions supports macOS 10.15. Forking FUSE is certainly possible and, if you like, you can go ahead and do so. It would be great to have a second developer working on FUSE.

Please keep in mind that you will need a certificate for signing the FUSE kernel extensions. Even certificate applications by well-known cloud storage providers are being rejected by Apple. As a matter of fact, MacPorts already installs the binary kernel extensions built and signed by me on Mac OS X 10.9 and above.

How is that different from the current situation?That being said, I would prefer to release the source code. But I need funding and I won't get any if the FUSE source code is available for free, even for commercial use. I have talked to many companies but without much success. Do you have a better suggestion for solving this dilemma? Please keep in mind that you will need a certificate for signing the FUSE kernel extensionsAnd? That's hardly a big deal. I've been paying for a 'real' developer account for many years now.

It's not an impediment. MacPorts could get such a thing itself for the organization; it has friends at Apple.

But I will have to think about how much I care about this. It might be easier to simply stop using the tool entirely.Do you have a better suggestion for solving this dilemma?You might not be able to solve it, but alienating your potential supporters could very well make it impossible to make any progress, as well as hurting your own reputation.

There are no guarantees that any path will get you enough money to work on this, of course. However, some methods are pretty much guaranteed to sabotage your efforts. I would say that the current path is one of them. People get very irritable about such things. There are more and less appropriate ways to get people to pay attention to you; this is not one of the more appropriate ones. That's hardly a big deal.Try applying for a kernel extension singing certificate. That's not the standard Developer ID certificate every registered developer gets.

Then when you maintained a project like FUSE for macOS alone for eight years we may talk again. Have you ever written a single line of kernel code or debugged a massively parallel file system? Trust me, that's a big deal.If you chose to stop distributing FUSE for macOS and thereby all FUSE-based file systems through MacPorts, that's your decision and I respect it. I won't patronize you for it, like you are doing here. Luckily there are alternatives, Homebrew distributes the latest version of FUSE for macOS.You might not be able to solve it, but alienating your potential supporters could very well make it impossible to make any progress, as well as hurting your own reputation.Let me worry about my reputation. There were two alternatives: Raise funds to continue working on FUSE or abandon the project.

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I believe the option I chose is the better one. I've been asking for pretty much any form of support for years. FUSE needs a lot of work to get where it should be. Many parts of the code are old and need to be rewritten to add support for new features or getting rid of performance bottlenecks. Most parts of the FUSE kernel extension are more than a decade old. We still don't have libfuse 3 support for macOS. The Objective-C framework does not even use ARC, protocols, or blocks.

It's still based on the Objective-C 1.0 runtime. The VFS plugin still uses exclusive locks instead of read-write locks. The list goes on and on.This is simply too much work for one person in addition to a full-time job. In other words, I either need to find more time to work on FUSE or more developers need to join me in working on FUSE for macOS. This is exactly what I've been asking for for years. I did not stop releasing the source code because I'm greedy. I did it because nothing else I tried over the years to get the necessary attention worked.

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That's why I asked if you could suggest another path. Continuing like the years before does no longer work.Reputation is not important.

I stand behind my actions. And I will explain my reasons to everyone who asks. All I care about it that FUSE on macOS lives on. And I will do everything I can to ensure this. That's what I've been working on all these years.I never insulted anyone. At least that has never been my intention. However, you never asked for my reasons for stopping to release the source code, but attacked me from the start.

You are telling others I might take FUSE offline in a fit of pique without ever having spoken a word to me. Then you continue by belittling what I have been working on for years and talk down to me. This is the very definition of being impolite and hostile.By the way, asking you if you have ever written a line of kernel code is not irrelevant. Many people think developing a kernel extension is not that much different form writing a simple app. Someone who has written kernel code knows that it is a whole different story. I agree with your move. Purists don't seem to understand banks accept only euros, dollars, pounds, yen, etc.2 suggestions:.

you put the source into some sort of escrow service. However, what I'm asking for is for companies, that are selling FUSE-based products or rebrand FUSE and bundle it with their apps, to re-invest some of the profits in the continued development of FUSE on macOS, if they can afford itYou shouldn't 'ask' here. Irregardless of 'profit', if a commercial entity is using your work, they should expect to pay for it. A business expects to pay for all the other components that goes into the product they build.

Xforce osx keygen autocad 2019. Osxfuse is just another component in the BOM. If the license forbids you from doing something (such as using the project commercially (non-commercial use clause)) or forces you to make your own project open source in order to link to the one the license applies to (copyleft like the AGPL), then that's a legal requirement. Violating that requirement would be breaking the law (in which case the lawbreakers would be easily prosecutable).Making the project open-source wouldn't really facilitate people illegally using bfleischer's software (considering they could just ), in fact it would probably get him support from people who really don't like companies infringing on the license of open source projects.