Xp Activation By Phone Keygen

How To Activate Windows XP Installation If You Don't have a Serial ※ Download: Windows xp phone activation key. MICROSOFT OFFICE 2013 Activation Key 100% working 2018 & 2019 MS OFFICE PRODUCT KEY #TechVlogs - Duration: 22:30. Tech Vlogs 2,535,954 views.
I am planning to buy a Windows 10 Professional computer, and wish to set up a virtual drive on it so that I can install a copy of Windows XP. This is so that I can run old software which I know will not work on Windows 10.If I buy a full legal retail copy of Windows XP (not an upgrade or backup disk for an old PC), and I install this using VirtualBox or some other virtual drive system, will I be able to get the Windows XP installation activated by Microsoft? Is this servicestill offered by the company?If yes, will it be possible to get the activation done by phone (which I believe was once an option) or in some other way, rather than doing it online? I only ask this question in case it proves difficult to connect the virtual installation of XP to theinternet.I am a reasonably competent (very) long-standing PC user, but not a sleeves-rolled-up tecchie!Thanks for any help. Copy of Windows XP is no longer being sold.May be you should consider run those applications on compatibility view.Also if you have access to Windows 10 PC, report compatibility issue through Feedback Hub app.In some cases, activation might still work but your Windows XP will be at risk because support is already ended.Thank you for your useful reply.I know that Windows XP is no longer being sold officially. However, original unused 'brand new' retail copies are still available to buy, and I assume that in principle, buying such a copy would be the same as it would have been to buy one in a shop a fewyears ago.I have tried running my old software on Windows 7 in compatibility mode, and this did not work.
I am talking about very old applications such as Acccess 97 and Access 2, along with my own bespoke applications. I am resigned to the idea that I need an olderversion of Windows (i.e. XP) to run them satisfactorily.All I need to know is whether the XP activation process would work if I did buy an unused retail version of Windows XP. You say activation 'might still work', but it would be reassuring if you (or someone) could be slightly more definite, and say categoricallythat it would work (or wouldn't). And if it did work, as per my original question, could I activate by phone or email, or would online activation be the only workable route?Again, many thanks!

Microsoft still has this up online, but a lot of posters with Vista which is now also unsupported state that the outsourced support contractors are referring them back to this Community when they contact them for phone activation.That is ridiculous as we have nothing to do with saying yay or nay to activation (that is part of their job) as we don't work for Microsoft.; we are users just like you here.Cheers. Bill Smithers - Microsoft MVP July 2013 - June 2020. Microsoft still has this up online, but a lot of posters with Vista which is now also unsupported state that the outsourced support contractors are referring them back to this Community when they contact them for phone activation.That is ridiculous as we have nothing to do with saying yay or nay to activation (that is part of their job) as we don't work for Microsoft.; we are users just like you here.Cheers.Hi BillMany thanks for this very useful advice. Your link to Microsoft's activation advice page looks as if it says everything. I should have looked harder and found it myself. I only hope that if I need to use phone activation, the phone number which comes upin the activation wizard remains valid after sitting in a shrink-wrapped box for many years!
But seriously, you have given me the confidence that it's still worth investing in a genuine copy of XP, so I'm very grateful. (I do also look forward to moving onto Windows 10.). Microsoft still has this up online, but a lot of posters with Vista which is now also unsupported state that the outsourced support contractors are referring them back to this Community when they contact them for phone activation.That is ridiculous as we have nothing to do with saying yay or nay to activation (that is part of their job) as we don't work for Microsoft.; we are users just like you here.Cheers.As of june 2018, the page only show windows 7 & 8https://support.microsoft.com/en-sg/help/15083/windows-how-to-activate. A4tech webcam pk-770g driver. Hi AndreMitchellThanks for this further helpful information - though it's not encouraging!
I'm still hoping to get a copy of Windows XP working, and wondering how to do it. This might sound a naive question, but since Microsoft itself is still directing people to its phonesupport contractors via its own web site, does anyone know how I could contact Microsoft to ask how else to perform the activation?I think your best bet is to call them up.Thanks for taking the trouble to reply again. I hope you don't mind me following up, but I had the impression that it's very difficult to speak to Microsoft - hence the confusion about this issue. Are you saying I really can call them up, or is your replya tongue-in-cheek way of telling me it's a lost cause? If you're serious, what is the route to making a call to Microsoft that would actually reach someone who could conceivably deal with this question? I installed windows xp on virtualbox for mac. Thanks again, and sorry if I'm failing to pick up thespirit of your response!
This method doesn't requires you to do a Reinstall or download risky softwares or cracks.First we will de-activate windows and then change the product key.No restart is required.Lets begin(Do it at your own risk)Heres how.Click on Start and then Run.In the text box in the Run window, type regedit and click OK. This will open the Registry Editor program.Locate the HKEYLOCALMACHINE folder under My Computer and click on the (+)sign next the folder name to expand the folder.Continue to expand folders until you reach the HKEYLOCALMACHINESoftwareMicrosoftWindowsNTCurrent VersionWPAEvents registry key.Click on the WPAEvents folder.In the results that appear in the window on the right, locate OOBETimer.Right-click on the OOBETimer entry and choose Modify from the resulting menu.Change at least one digit in the Value data text box and click OK.