Call Of Cthulhu Map Generator

Intelligence (INT) – is a rough guide to your investigator’s cunning and ability to make leaps of logic and intuition.Roll 2d6+6 to determine the value for INT. Power (POW) – is a combination of personal magnetism, spirit, and mental stability.It influences your character’s ability to cast magical spells, as well as his resistance to the sanity-blasting horrors of the Cthulhu Mythos.
Call of dark adventures. The Call of Cthulhu guide consists of a comprehensive collection of tips and a detailed walkthrough for this dark adventure game. We explain what skills you should invest in, how to avoid enemies and how to complete all chapters without any problems.
Our guide for Call of Cthulhu will prepare you for a dozen of hours spent in the atmospheric world created by H. P. Lovecraft. This guide is a compendium where every player, regardless of their knowledge about this universe, will find answers to questions as well as gameplay-related tips. The guide focuses on the most important aspects such as interaction with NPCs, exploration or collecting items. Besides that, we also focus on seemingly trivial aspects such as the order of performing certain activities and their potential impact on the world.
The guide opens with the chapter dedicated to starting tips and descriptions of the most basic gameplay mechanics. Here, you can learn about the impact of skills on conversations with NPCs, how much do your skills determine available dialog options and what are their consequences. This part also contains chapters dedicated to character progression system - check this chapter for detailed descriptions of the available skills, how to develop them, what are their restrictions and how they influence the story. You can also learn about stealth mechanic, how to search through rooms, and the retrospection mode.
We have also included a detailed walkthrough. It contains detailed descriptions of every chapter and their respective missions. On top of that, our walkthrough also includes alternate ways of reaching destinations and completing objectives. Every chapter is richly illustrated and, if necessary, supported by a video showing, step by step, the process of solving a given puzzle or problem. The guide also contains an FAQ section where you can find answers to all your questions regarding the game. Here, you can learn how to solve more challenging puzzles, how to refill oil in your lamp, how to unlock the majority of the achievements in one playthrough, and which skills should you get first to avoid blocking yourself from story-related choices.
The final part of the guide, the Appendix, also contains important information. Here, you can learn about the system requirements, check if your PC can run the game, and read about the controls for every platform. Check our comprehensive chapter about the available achievements and trophies -detailed information and videos will help you unlock them.
Call of Cthulhu is a dark adventure game that combines elements of a psychological thriller, a stealth game and horror. It is based on books written by H. P. Lovecraft, an American writer. The game is based on his Cthulhu mythology. The main character, Edward Pierce, is a private detective. He investigates the mysterious deaths of Sara Hawkins and her family. The investigation takes an unexpected turn very quickly - the intrigue is intertwined with mysterious disappearances, a crazy doctor experimenting on patients, mutilated bodies of whales, as well as the titular Cthulhu known as the Great Dreamer. Call of Cthulhu uses the first-person perspective. The game is focused on exploration and solving various logic and environment puzzles. Call of Cthulhu also features RPG elements - the player can develop their character's skills by making progress in the game. The game was developed by Cyanide Studio, known from the Styx series, and published by Focus Home Interactive. Call of Cthulhu is available on PC, PS4 and XONE.
Starting tips
Check the controls before you start playing Call of Cthulhu. By doing that you will be able to enter this twisted - for newcomers - universe and learn the basic gameplay mechanics. Here, you can check how to remain undetected, what you have to do when you get spotted, how to use light efficiently, or which abilities are worth checking out.
Starting tips:
- Decide which abilities you want to unlock right after you start playing the game. Skills have a huge impact on the gameplay - they determine your choices and dialog options. Remember that skills aren't used on combat - the game doesn't feature any combat system.
- Read the chapter dedicated to the skills carefully. There, you can find information about skills and their impact on the gameplay - certain things aren't as obvious as you may think.
- Focus on Investigation skill if you don't know which abilities you should get next. This ability improves your analytical skills - you can investigate events that happened in the past, examine items left in a crime scene or, most importantly, open locks with lockpicks - the last ability is extremely helpful because it allows you to reach inaccessible places.
- The beginning of the game is the only moment where you can invest points in Medicine and Occultism - later, these skills can only be developed by collecting certain items. You should try to put a few points into them during your second playthrough - having a few points in Occultism is necessary for one of the endings.
- Don't pay too much attention to Strength skill. The game doesn't feature any combat. Strength skill has an impact on a small amount of things - it mostly allows you to solve problems with force. Instead, you should develop, i.e. Spot Hidden skill.
- The game features a few parts where you will have to sneak. Sadly, the stealth system isn't perfect - enemies can detect you in the most peculiar places. The stealth mechanic is rather simple - when an enemy sees you, an icon will appear above their head. The icon's first color is white - this means that the enemy is looking for you. The red icon means that the enemy has spotted you. It also informs you that it is time to run because you are about to be chased by that enemy.
- You aren't without any options in the stealth sections. There are many wardrobes and nooks that you can use to hide. You can avoid enemies with ease by remaining undetected while you are hiding somewhere - after that you just have to simply wait for an enemy to move away, and leave the hiding spot.
- Run when an enemy's icon has turned red! Hiding in a wardrobe is useless because an alerted enemy will pull you out of it. It is better to sprint and make a few turns - you will confuse your chaser. After that you can hide somewhere safe.
- There are two ways of lighting up dark places - you can use a lighter or a lamp. The first item generates less light but it has an unlimited supply of fuel. A lamp shines much brighter but it requires oil. Use the lighter as much as you can, switch to the lamp only when you really have to - this will help you save oil. You can refill the lamp by using special containers placed usually on desks or tables (you can find them in key locations). You can use these containers as many times as you want.
- You can't save the game whenever you want to, you can rely only on checkpoints. However, there is a way to make manual saves on the PC version. More details about that can be found in 'How to save the game manually?' chapter in the FAQ section of the guide.
- Try to interact with every item. This allows you to unlock additional dialog options, learn more about the game's world or get items that increase your skills (Medicine or Occultism). Some of the items are related to the achievements/trophies.
- Remember to speak again with encountered NPCs. You can get new dialog options, even when you have select all the available options in your previous conversation with that character - you can do that by examining items or speaking with other NPCs. Usually, speaking with someone again unlocks new options.
Here, you can find the detailed walkthrough for all the chapters available in Call of Cthulhu. Every chapter features detailed descriptions and numerous illustrations - thanks to that everyone should be able to complete the missions. Every chapter also contains descriptions of alternate paths as well as puzzle solutions.
Gameplay basics
This section contains chapters dedicated to the basic gameplay mechanics found in Call of Cthulhu. Here, you can learn about the stealth mechanics, how to develop your character, check the available types of light sources as well as their pros and cons, learn how to search through rooms, and read about the retrospection mode.
Trophies and achievements
This part of the guide is dedicated to the achievements and trophies available in Call of Cthulhu. The more challenging trophies/achievements have a detailed description and a video that shows the process of unlocking it. With our tips, you will get all the achievements and unlock the platinum trophy.
The FAQ section contains answers to all possible questions about Call of Cthulhu. Here, you can find solutions to difficult puzzles, learn which skills you should develop, how to refill oil in your lamp, and how to create manual saves.
The final part of the guide contains information on the controls in the PC, PS4 and XONE version as well as information on the system requirements.
About Call of Cthulhu Guide
Author : Jakub 'jbugielski' Bugielski for
Translator : Mateusz 'Ictius' Sawka
last update : October 30, 2018
Use the comments below to submit your updates and corrections to this guide.
Call of Cthulhu Video Game
- genre: Adventure
- developer: Cyanide Studio
- publisher: Focus Home Interactive
- platform: PC, PS4, XONE
Call of Cthulhu is a dark adventure game, enriched with elements borrowed from survival horrors and sneaking. Cyanide Studio, a band known mainly from the Styx series, took on their shoulders to create the program. The title was published by Focus Home Interactive on the PC, PS4 and XONE platforms, among others.
Call of Cthulhu is based on the so-called Cthulhu Mythology, created by Howard Phillips Lovecraft, the legendary American horror writer. The main character of the game is Edward Pierce - a private investigator whose task is to explain the mysterious murder of the famous artist Sara Hawkins and her family. Over time, the investigation has taken an unexpected turn - not only the equally mysterious disappearances, but also the mutilated bodies of whales found on Darkwater Island in Boston seem to be connected with the matter. Pierce quickly discovers that behind everything can stand the title Cthulhu, also called the Great Dreamer - one of the Ancient Ages, that is, the ancient, powerful beings who remains in sleep, and when the stars in the sky set in the right order, he will wake up and take back the power over the world.
In Call of Cthulhu on the PC, PS4 and XONE platforms, the action is presented from the first person perspective (FPP). The game is based on exploring and solving various puzzles. Adventure leads both through gloomy city streets, as well as research complexes, undergrounds, and finally temples of cultivists. The player must try to keep a balance between the desire to discover creatures lurking in the darkness, and the state of mind of the charges - too much immersion in the mysteries of darkness can lead the character of the detective to madness. In the course of the game we meet more or less friendly NPCs - while some are willing to cooperate, others react to the protagonist with aggression. The game has also implemented extended elements of RPG - the title is based on a paper RPG license from the American publishing house Chaosium, from which some gameplay mechanisms have been taken.
Call of Cthulhu is characterized by high quality, three-dimensional graphic design, maintained in economical colors and gloomy style. The whole is complemented by a specially composed soundtrack, which effectively builds a shivering atmosphere.
More About Call of Cthulhu
The works of H.P. Lovecraft are more popular now than ever before, even during his life. The Cthulhu mythos has been a source of inspiration for all kinds of media. Let us see how well it works as a setting for video games.
He's waiting and dreaming. And so are we, for the various upcoming games focusing on or in the near vicinity of the Cthulhu mythos.
Francis Wayland Thurston
Francis Wayland Thurston is a prominent resident of Boston who, following his grand-uncle's sudden and baffling death, discovers and investigates the Cthulhu Cult. Thurston writes the manuscript that is 'The Call of Cthulhu' based on his findings in his grand-uncle's belongings and his own follow-up discoveries. The transcript is broken into three parts: 'The Horror in Clay,' which explains his grand-uncle's death and Thurston's discovery of his belongings, as well as the story of Henry Anthony Wilcox, a hyper-sensitive sculptor; 'The Tale of Inspector Legrasse,' which recounts a police inspector's encounter with the Cthulhu Cult; and 'The Madness from the Sea,' in which Thurston discovers the diary of second mate Gustaf Johansen. Thurston ends the story predicting that he will be killed for what he knows, and the title indicates he has died.
George Gammell Angell
George Gammell Angell is a Professor of Semitic Languages in Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island. He is also Thurston's grand-uncle. Angell dies of sudden and mysterious causes, which results in Thurston's discovery of his belongings surrounding the Cthulhu Cult. Thurston describes Angell as 'an authority on ancient inscriptions,' which is why Wilcox sought him out following his dreams of Cthulhu. Through Angell, Thurston learns about the testimonies of Inspector Legrasse and Henry A. Wilcox. Over the course of the story, Thurston increasingly suspects that Angell was murdered.
Henry Anthony Wilcox
Henry Anthony Wilcox is a student of sculpture at the Rhode Island School of Design who visits Professor Angell's office bearing a small clay bas-relief shaped like Cthulhu. Although from a prominent family, Lovecraft describes Wilcox as a 'queer' and 'hyper-sensitive' boy whose eccentricity caused him to fall out of social favor with his friends and family. Wilcox matures into a decadent sculptor who specializes in recreating the otherworldly imagery from the dreams he reports to Angell. Wilcox's dreams are the first glimpses the reader receives of the world of the Cthulhu cult, and cause Angell to record the dreams of other poets and artists.
John Raymond Legrasse
John Raymond Legrasse is a police inspector that witnessed the Cthulhu cult performing a mass human sacrifice ritual firsthand. While investigating the disappearances of several women and children on the outskirts of a southern Louisiana town, Legrasse participates in a police raid and finds the charred remains of several townspeople in an all-male Cthulhu Cult ritual in the swamp. Legrasse travels to St. Louis to show Professor Angell and other experts a statuette recovered from the raid, and compares his phonetic transcriptions of ritual chants with another professor's. Legrasse provides the key testimony of Old Castro, an elder cultist apprehended in the raid, who rambles about 'Great Old Ones' and the kind of 'Cyclopean' cities also imagined by Wilcox.
Gustaf Johansen
Gustaf Johansen is the second mate of a two-masted schooner named the Emma. As Thurston reads in news item, the Emma is attacked by a yacht named the Alert, leaving Johansen in charge of the vessel. Johansen orders his crew to board the Alert and sail to a small island where everyone but Johansen perishes. Johansen gives no details to the Sydney Bulletin about what transpires when the men reach the island, and it is only from Johansen's personal diary that Thurston learns that the men actually reached 'the nightmare corpse-city of R'lyeh' and awakened Cthulhu. Johansen dies after having a stack of papers dropped on his head, and Thurston suspects that he is murdered.
Old Castro
Old Castro is an elder Cthulhu cult member, apprehended in a raid on a voodoo ritual, who Legrasse remembers as being especially lucid and compelling in his testimony about the origins of the cult. Legrasse recalls to Angell and others that Old Castro spoke of 'Old Ones' and 'Things'—massive creatures that preceded humanity and lived in giant Cyclopean cities. Old Castro also alleges that these 'Old Ones' are from outer space, a fact that Thurston remembers at a critical juncture when pondering Johansen's geologically foreign stone idol. Old Castro dies before Thurston can travel to Louisiana to interview the other prisoners apprehended in the raid.
William Channing Webb
William Channing Webb is a professor of Anthropology at Princeton University, present at the American Archaeological Society meeting where Legrasse reveals his statuette. Webb reports to Legrasse, Angell, and the other men that he once came across a similar statuette on the west coast of Greenland while collecting data on the oral rituals of an Inuit tribe. It is only with Webb's phonetic transcriptions that the men are able to do a comparative analysis with Legrasse's data and decrypt the letter formations, 'Cthulhu' and 'R'lyeh.'
Joseph D. Galvez
Joseph D. Galvez is the name of a New Orleans policeman who Legrasse mentions as having an especially peculiar testimony about the police raid on the voodoo ritual at the swamp. Galvez, Legrasse remembers, insists that he heard the sounds of gigantic beating wings out in the forest. Galvez's description correlates with the testimony of many of the cult members, who tell Legrasse that they were ordered by 'Black Winged Ones' to commit the crimes.
Abdul Alhazred
Abdul Alhazred is the name of an Arab mystic invoked by Old Castro. In the mythology of Lovecraft's fiction, Alhazred is the author of the Necronomicon—a grimoire, or book of curses. Old Castro guesses that the original earthly center of the 'Old Ones' is somewhere in the Arabian desert.
Briden is the name of the sailor who is found dead aboard the Alert when the Vigilant tows the ship into Darling Harbour. According to Johansen's diary, Briden is the only other man who makes it back to the ship alive after the men unknowingly awaken Cthulhu from his monolithic resting place. However, Briden succumbs to madness and delirium after witnessing Cthulhu, and expires before the Alert makes it back to the mainland.